Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Daddy's got camera skillz

This is a picture of me from the hospital. I'm about 6 hours old here, and wise beyond my years.

This is me and my mom. She's feeling better and better, but her energy level is still low. Major abdominal surgery will do that to you though.

This is me, sleeping. I have pretty chubby cheeks here because I'm gaining back my weight pretty fast. Babies loose 10% of their birth weight after they're born... I lost a little more than that (13%). But now the pediatrician says my weight gain looks very good. My 2 week Dr. visit went well, assuming Mom and Dad don't panic and decide to take me back sooner I won't go to the Dr. again until I'm 2 months old.


Anonymous said...

Is he back to his birth weight? How was the appointment?

Karima said...

Well, major congrats on the arrival of Jack. Lovely boy, especially because of those cheeks. More to kiss on. Glad to hear things are getting better every day. Those first few weeks are wicked rough. Hope the healing continues as well as the Jack stories.