Saturday, April 4, 2009

Zoom Zoom

Upon arrival in the OC Jack took a late nap. When he woke up after 3 (gasp!) we went to a playground near my parents house. Turns out its made by the same company that made the playground near my house! This one is considerably smaller, but it was also empty so there you go. Jack enjoyed the merry-go-round as a place to bang his hands and make noise.

The car or "CAH!" as Jack calls it, was the biggest hit of all. I have 20 pics of him in the car, these are my faves.

Every time I tried to get him to play on the swings or the slides he would run to or tell me he wanted the "CAH!" -he was very determined. I'm beginning to wonder how much of gender difference really is a social construct... because I'm not teaching him to be in to cars but this need to connect with things with wheels is visceral.
I have a bunch of videos from today but it was so windy here that all you hear is the deafening "WSHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" of the wind while Jack slides, swings and rides in the car.
My parents friends came for dinner so we had a 50+ ladies night, while the men watched the final 4, that the women-folk they charitably allowed me to participate in.


Lindsey said...

What a great playground! That car is awesome - no surprise that Jack loves it. I loved those merry-go-round things when I was a don't see them so much anymore.

Brenna said...

i've wondered the same thing myself about boys and cars...there's some kind of genetic element to their attraction. :)