Thursday, April 7, 2011


It's unfortunate that parents don't really get sick days.

I'm sick. It's not a bad cold, just congestion and a sore throat, but it would be great if I could nurse myself back to health without also needing to meet the needs of others. I hope the husband makes some yummy soup for dinner tonight and that I'm all better soon!


emk said...

Aha! I was afraid that's what happened!! Feel better soon!

melaniet42 said...

Sick day? What's a sick day?!? Hope you're feeling better soon!

Gail said...

Take care of yourself. Get well soon!

Kate said...

I was assuming this was allergies but I broke down and took a Claritin this morning and it doesn't seem to have helped. Oh well, at least this means my allergies aren't having a resurgence after 5 years of lying dormant.

Lindsey said...

Sorry you're not feeling well! And hope its not my fault. :) I meant to warn you that Cady came down with a fever on our drive home. Feel better soon!