Monday, June 27, 2011

Just your typical manic weekend...

Jack challenged me to a duel. Or needed to see that mommies can do anything daddies can do... Please note my leveled perfection: Jack's new closet is finished and awesome and spacious. I am Mommy, hear me use power tools.

I taught myself to knit this week so this weekend I started making a woolie. (Which is a wool diaper cover and is waterproof. It's also fuzzy and precious.)

I celebrated International Handstand Day on Sunday, June 26th.

And I went to yoga class this weekend for 14 hours.


melaniet42 said...

Yay knitting! And handstands!!

emk said...

is it faux wool? aren't you allergic?!

Emily said...

Interesting you ask about the wool... My knitting savvy sister-in-law mentioned that most wool is heavily chemically treated so if you knit yourself an use natural you don't break out. I stood in the store with the roll against my neck, rubbing it on my face - it checked out. Still not as comfy as cotton, but my fear of natural untreated wool is gone.

Heather said...

Wow! Sounds like a great weekend! 14 hours of yoga, knitting and power tools!!! Very very cool!