Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The one I don't delete

This is my first Late-Night Confession.

I will not delete this post. I will try to remember to use spell check. (In the interest of full disclosure: This is not one I've started before and failed to finish.)

Trying to sell my home SUCKS. It makes me feel like my whole life is on hold. Even thought I try to live, really live, in spite of the HOURS it takes to clean my house every few days and the 50% of Jack's toys and 50% of Henry's baby gadgets that are in storage in my in-laws basement.

Which brings me to the upside- My In-Laws. To say our relationship used to be strained was the understatement of the century. It was awk-ward! Then we put our house on the market and when we had a showing and two small kids to feed and keep entertained our best option was crashing at their place (which is practically down-the-street.) Well showing after open house after showing things became not awkward. They became, dare I say it, FUN! Instead of worrying about what it would be like the next time I saw them, I looked forward to it. They've been a great help, feeding us, entertaining us and helping watch the boys. Putting the house on the market has fundamentally altered the fabric of our relationship.

I still desperately want to sell my house but man has it been great that it's taking a while!


melaniet42 said...

Sucks that it's taking so long to sell the house, but what great news about the time spent with your in-laws!!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto Melanie and YAAAAAAAY for all the Newtons! Gigi