We are early potty training Jack. After a swim class where we met a 19 month old boy who was completely potty trained and his mom recommended a book: Diaper Free Before 3. I was curious to see what type of book this would be. I was pleasantly surprised!
The one sentence summary is: Before the 1950's all babies in all countries started potty training before 1 year of age but, in the 1950's disposable diapers were invented and at the same time the "wait till the child shows interest in the potty" school of thought was born; coincidence? I think not.
So at 6 months the book recommends 'starting' to potty train. Really all you do is choose a few times a day to sit the child on the potty and read them a book or sing them a song. If nothing happens -no big deal- but you are creating a positive association with the potty and teaching the child that the potty is a part of the routine (not an interruption from play time as some older children would see it).
Well.... for the last 3 days we've been sitting Jack on the potty and reading a book and singing a song. For the last few times he's let out some righteous farts... men. Tonight we sat him on the potty and read and sang...and... he pooped!!! Do I have any expectations? No... but I do have fantasies about having a potty trained big boy some day!
awesome! you'll have to tell us all about what the book says...i'd be happy not to wash diapers...
That is AWESOME!!! You've talked me into it, I'm getting a potty!
I am SO all over that - we're going to have to give it a try!!!
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