Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are we there yet?

Today is one of those days. Henry is nothing but fussy. He cannot and will not be comforted. He's uncomfortable and I can't do anything for him.

Jack has asked for his paci for the 12th time, has inquired about his third snack of the afternoon and will not play in the basement so at least I can get a break from at least one of them because "It's scary down dere, Mommy."

I just realized I haven't showered in about 3 days. There isn't enough salty/sweet/alcoholic treats in the world to make this sh*t show of a day seem better. But you know what? The Husband will be home in two hours and hopefully he'll take over so I can stop smelling like a dirty gym sock.

1:59:59..... 1:5958.... 1:59:57.....


melaniet42 said...

I've had days like that with just Jillian. When I think of that x2, all I can say is...too late now!

Emily said...

i know, right?!

Grace @ Arms Wide Open said...

i have days like this too! i can't imagine with two little ones! We are usually sitting by the door with our noses pressed against it by the time the husband gets home!

Emily said...

Me too, Grace, me too!! There is about 20/40 minutes where I think... "any minute now...."