Monday, August 2, 2010


Okay, so it's not like we're ready to move right now. Yes, our house is on the market, but it doesn't mean I'm not obsessing about this GIGANTIC room and trying to figure out what the heck I hope to (contracts willing) do with it. So, ladies (I think the only gentleman reader is my husband... correct me if I'm wrong...) take a look at the pics of the "great room" and tell me what you'd do... clearly it needs work... but what work does it need?!
The living room & entry, view from above.

Entry... clearly we need new glass in the door...

The living room.

The dining room with painted white brick hearth meant for a free standing wood stove.
So, the room is an "L" shape, so the entry, living and dining room all need to coordinate. Have at it! Tell me everything!

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