Thursday, July 1, 2010

Eat Your Crusts

I am a member of the "Eat Your Crusts" generation. I was always told to eat my crusts. As though crusts are a requisite part of a meal, like all the vitamins and nutrients in bread somehow all end up in the slightly over-dry, no-jelly-on-the-edge crusts. To this day I don't eat all my crusts. I'm not anti-crust per se. I just don't see the importance of them.

Why pick a fight with my kids over crusts when there are much greater nutritional battles to fight? I can wage war over eating vegetables or having 'taste bites' of a new food, but I'm not going to waste my time and energy on crusts.


melaniet42 said...

I feel the same way. It's just not worth the energy. Us mommas have to pick our battles, and that is not one that ranks high for me. I still don't eat my pizza crusts!

emk said...

You don't eat your pizza crusts, Mel? ARE YOU CRAZY? mmmmmm.....bread!! Especially with that (totally fake and, I'm sure, carcinogenic) garlic butter sauce from Papa John's!!

Emily said...

I'm with Mel, I don't eat pizza crusts usually either.

Husband said...

The Papa John's "Tub o' guilt" + pizza crusts is THE best part of eating pizza.