We took the tots for lunch and then treated them to ice cream. They thought this was the best idea EVER. I balanced the camera on the hood of Lindsey's car to pull of this shot. Everyone (even Henry) made it in the frame so score one for my mad camera skillz.
Jack hardly ever gets offered desert unless it's an oatmeal cookie the size of a quarter. There might be some subconscious guilt there because I compensated by getting him an ice cream so large he couldn't finish it.
Too cute! (and they look SO grown up!) Just think, the first of many years of singing that great Alice Cooper song! Ahhh, the feeling of that last day of school, the anticipation of lots of sun filled days of summer, the pool, special day trips, vacation, sleeping in . . . Great memories that last a lifetime! Gigi
tell me more about the sleeping in....
Mmmm sleeping in...
This morning before reading the blog I had that song going through my head thinking about the next two weeks. A week at the beach and a week in Chicago "working". Feels like a schools out for the summer (err, 2 weeks) for me :D
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