Saturday, October 11, 2008

Greetings from Happy Valley

Over the river (Susquehanna) and through the woods (Poe Valley)
to Happy Valley we went.

Of course we hit up the Chili Cook Off! I was disappointed to see that the Nittany Lions don't take their chili as seriously as I do (there were only 4 competitors). However, the chili was VERY yummy!

to crawl. This was something that I knew he could do because he can army crawl faster that I ever thought possible but he hadn't taken more that one or two 'crawl steps' at a time until today!

We saw a hot air balloon.

And we learned that the best toy ever is an aluminum to-go pan! We went to dinner at a earth-friendly brewery and pub and instead of styrofoam we took home our leftovers home in aluminum. It's shiny, malleable and it makes a lot of noise when you hit it!


melaniet42 said...

Way to go Jack! Which brewery?

emk said...

He looks very proud of himself in the 2nd crawling pic! Glad you had a good trip!

Emily said...


Lindsey said...

Sounds like a fun trip!