Thursday, October 30, 2008


We hosted a Halloween party today. Jack was very excited for his friends to arrive he kept looking for them. Grrr... scary dinosaur!

We had a yummy spread: candy corn, 100 grand bars, caramels, pumpkin muffins, pretzel snacks, apples and cheerios. (We didn't want the babies to feel left out).

Amedeo came as a bat! Oooo, scary!

Leora came as a bunny. So cute!

Jack enjoyed some of my apple.

First we tried to get the babies to sit for a picture downstairs. Cadybug was not interested in being away from mommy and Jocelyn, the pumpkin, (who is sitting now!) is not sitting reliably and kept sliding down the wall to the right. So the mean mommies kept laughing and trying to re-set the babies as mayhem ensued.

Jillian came as a lion. Roar! After our failed attempt at picture-taking downstairs we tried to seat the babies on the couch. Well they all stayed in place but not all of them were happy that the photo shoot was dragging on!

All in all it was a fun day with fun friends... and lots of naughty, naughty candy!


emk said...

The babies all look SO SO cute!! Brooks and I are very sad to have missed the party!

Lindsey said...

Thanks for having us all over - we had a great time (in between the crying of course)!

Brenna said...

thank you for the fun!!! i love those pretzel and chocolate thingies...yum yum.