Laura (my roomie from college) got Jack this book a few months ago and we've recently been reading it. Now Jack has started requesting the "Baby Book". It's VERY descriptive, but since I'm not one to skirt around concepts like 'uterus' and 'contractions' anyway it's very interesting to read about these concepts to my son in a way he'll actually understand them (as opposed to the overly-wordy age-inappropriate way I would).
With his interest in that book I got this one:
He likes it. I like how it explains potty training, or as they say "potty learning". I have hopes and dreams about this potty training experience, but for now I'll settle for Jack being interested. Maybe we'll throw in some mornings or afternoons with his big boy pants on.
Apparently running away and hiding to poop or pee in a diaper is a sign of readiness. Since Jack has been doing this I guess we should try. I just assumed the running away was a sign he was not ready. Shows what I know!
Hold me, I'm scared.
Apparently running away and hiding to poop or pee in a diaper is a sign of readiness. Since Jack has been doing this I guess we should try. I just assumed the running away was a sign he was not ready. Shows what I know!
Seth apparently does not approve of the fact that I taught Brooks to say "toot" every time he, well, toots! ;-) In retrospect, I guess it's a little, um, tacky, but I figured it would be good practice for letting me know he needed to go to the potty!
Yay for good books! Thanks for the reviews!
Well, it's a sign of readiness in that he is aware that he needs to go. Plenty of kids take a while to get from "knowing they need to go" to "actually using the potty regularly" though.
That being said there is a process to potty train in a weekend (we used it with the autistic kids). You can't really do much else that weekend but it almost always works in 2-3 days max. Obviously it doesn't have to be a weekend but it's better if there are two adults who can take turns. Call me anytime if you want the details.
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