Saturday, January 2, 2010

Silly PaPa

As seen here. PaPa is the one holding the palm tree; yes, I said palm tree.

There is also an emberassing video of mommy Wii-ing, but we'll save that for later, for an entry that no one will read.


emk said...

He's famous!! (And so stylish in his tropical attire!)

Anonymous said...

I hope Jack doesn't really think it's Papa! He'll be scarred for life! Oh well, it was for a good cause! Gigi

Emily said...

I kept trying to point him out on the video and he just looked at me like, "No, silly mommy, that woman is obviously not PaPa."

The Bliven Family said...

Ummmm...that is hilarious. I can't imagine that you doing the Wii could be more embarassing than that! :)