Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Camera Games

Brenna and Amedeo arrived first for mom's group today. She spent a fre minutes playing with her camera. "Familiarizing herself with some of the more complex settings" as she put it. It occured to me that I had not done that with my camera. So I copied her.Here are the babies... er toddlers getting into trouble.

Jack and his horse.

Eating a car.

Then we put Brenna in a box. Just to see if she would fit, and she did!


melaniet42 said...

Looks like such a fun time - sorry we missed out!

emk said...

I love that the 2nd pic shows Brenna in the background, playing with her camera!! :-)

Brenna said...

It was fun...sorry we missed you, Melanie! Thanks, Emily, for the chocolate and pastry! I might have to go out and get some Nutella myself.
Yep...that box was the perfect fit. Should I become homeless, I'll contact you first. (ok...maybe that was a little tasteless....)

Anonymous said...

So does that mean I get a pass the next time I decide to spend 15 minutes fiddling with my camera?