Saturday, December 12, 2009

So Satisfying

Yesterday evening we learned that playing with the kitten is a group activity. Link likes to play (duh). Jack likes to play with Link. Monkey likes to play and she doesn't even try to pretend she's above it all (which is particularly amusing). Daddy likes to supervise (read: be amused).

In case you don't know, or haven't been able to infer from my blog thus far I'm type A. Like kinda scary-control-freak Type A. I make lists and take great satisfaction in crossing things off. Well Jack's bedroom has been on the list as a "Christmas Present" but the problem is he needed his big boy bed in early October. So instead of doing it in one satisfyingly exhausting weekend we've been working on things for months. Which drives me bananas!

Today I said enough is enough and I hung these pictures.

I adhered these vinyl letters to the wall. I got them at Words Anywhere dot com. They have insane font and color selection so creative me had a blast picking them out!

Also in the basement we attempted to tackle the ongoing storage problem with this cube unit by the TV. More Storage=More Organized=Happy Mommy.

I also finally got a coat of paint on the kitchen (sshhhh! It's a surprise). Hopefully, it's a Christmas surprise and not a Oops-we-didn't-finish-this-in-time-for-Christmas-so-Happy-Birthday!-surprise.
And the best part?! It's only Saturday, so now I can continue to manically ravage my to-do list tomorrow too!


Lindsey said...

Love the color of the kitchen - it really pops!

Kate said...

That kitchen is going to be super cute even if it's a birthday present.

emk said...

the big boy room additions look great!!

Brenna said...

I think list making is great. I usually make a long list and then decide that I can't do it all and throw it out. Or I lose the list in the chaos.

I'm excited to see the kitchen when it is finished!