Yesterday I planned to have a late lunch (to accommodate Jack's nap) with my roommate from college, Laura. Well I was running VERY late and I got home from a library playdate at 12:30 instead of the usual 11:00. I was planning a dinner with Uncle Tom so when I called to explain the situation he offered to babysit while Jack napped so Laura and I could go out to a big-girl lunch while the baby slept.
I left some snacks and the potty and diapers ready, in case someone woke up before we got back. He woke up, Uncle Tom went to get him, took off his diaper, put him on the potty and put him back in his new diaper before I got home. This was Tom's first diaper change (Jack was also my first diaper change... weird huh?)
Then Jack had a snack and Uncle Tom said "So he feeds himself now, sweet! This is easy!" It's true. When I think back to the nursing and spoon feeding stages, it was so sweet when he was more dependent, but this independence is nice too. It's very freeing.
Then Jack carried around the watering can. Just for fun.
We spun Jack around. Ok, technically we did it the day I locked him in the car -after, not before-. But this is the first photo documentation. Here he is on the way to my parents. Since Matt is working again this weekend I decided to call in the reinforcements. My parents are freshly back from Florida, rested, tanned... they needed a little Jack-time and I needed some willing extra hands.
When we got to my parents Jack played with the new toys (donated by my mom's friend whose grandkids are bigger). Yay for recycled toys!!
Jack ate bean stroganoff for dinner. This was a FAVE growing up. Except for the mushrooms, I'm not a fan of fungus. But who am I to deny my son some shrooms just because I'm not loving them...
Then it was bath time. I think not having the duck tub anymore, not having daddy bathe him and being in a scary large soaking tub scared the crap out of the baby. He hyperventilated, screamed until he was purple, kept clawing at me trying to climb out of the tub. The only time he calmed down enough for me to wash the dirty boy was when I got in with him. It was so cute that he needed me. He never needs me, but I can't do this forever.... hopefully it's a phase.
Now he's sleeping and the eggplant parm is cooking and I am, of course, enjoying some vino.
Funny that he freaked out about the tub...he likes the swimming pool.
I'll be right over for some of that Parm.
Get some sun and sand for me!!!!
I wish! It's a balmy 43 degrees today.
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