Friday, May 21, 2010


So I gave Jack this backpack to play with. He likes putting toys in it and carting these items around. Well yesterday he pulled this little stunt. Matt looked at me with a sad face and tears in his eyes... not ready for his little boy to grow up and I was pumping my fist in the air. Am I a bad parent or is this merely a reflection of the fact that I'm the one that stays at home with the kids all day? Either way, it was pretty cute.


melaniet42 said...

Awesome! I feel the same way when I leave Jillian in the nursery or Sunday school at church and as I ask her to come give mommy a hug bye-bye she's already playing, and just looks back briefly and says "bye!". Like, "leave already lady!"

Mama Hen said...

I just stopped by from MBC! Very cute! Come visit me at Mama's Little Chick!

Mama Hen