Saturday, January 10, 2009

Warning TMI!

This is bound to land in the category of over-share but since we all go through these mommy changes I'm sharing for those that want to know what it's like or what's to come.

Weaning. Bla bla 'It was so easy'... 'Jack loves cow milk'... bla bla... Well here is me eating my words. He's still fine he's loving the cow but me, poor me! So Brenna told me that I should expect some mood swings like those of the baby blues or postpartum depression so I was prepared to be, um, 'moody'. (I am moody like there's no tomorrow.) Well there's also this issue of feeling like I have the WORST menstrual cramps of my life. Jeez Louise! I just had my period last week. I refuse to have it again, send it back! Yesterday it was so bad I could hardly do anything all day.

Everything I've read says the physical symptoms can last about 7 days, the psychological can become something that requires medication.

So that's my TMI and my PSA for the D-A-Y.


emk said...

oh no! I hope you feel better soon!! hang in there!

Brenna said...

try some tea! red raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help support female systems. if you go to david's natural market, they've got a pretty big selection of different teas. good luck! you're giving us all an unfortunate look into the future!

Lindsey said...

Let me know if you need anything...