Monday, April 19, 2010

Random Victories

1. I put on my pre-pregnancy jeans Sunday- and they FIT! (Comfortably, with only minimal muffin top.)

2. Despite my daily snuggles with Henry, Jack isn't jealous he just wants to participate. Which means double the snuggles! Also in spite my frequent tummy-to-tummy cat naps with Henry he's still sleeping 5 hours at a time, alone in his pack n play every night.

3. We replaced the bushes in the front yard for the third spring in a row. I'm going to move before I have to do this again, it's driving me nuts!


emk said...

A friend who had her second child right before you just posted on FB that she was back in her pre-preggers jeans, too. Let me just say that I am hanging my head in shame that it took me 2 years! ;-) GO YOU!! You look great!! And nothing beats couch snuggles with the boys!

melaniet42 said...

Hooray for victories - you look great!

Brenna said...

great job! you should be proud!